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About Folktales...

So, what is a Folktale you might ask? Well, since its something I talk about a lot I thought I would grab a definition so Y'all will know what I am talking about and why it might be a bit different from SciFi and Fantasty...

"A folktale is a type of traditional story that tries to explain something, or which is meant to help people behave well in the world. Such stories usually are fiction-based with magical or supernatural elements, and they often are woven around talking animals, royalty, peasants or mythical creatures. Initially passed down through oral tradition, they were a major means of educating and entertaining prior to the development of printed materials and modern technologies, and they remain instrumental in preserving aspects of the culture in which they develop."

So there ya you know everything right? Well no, at least I don't. What about urban legends...where do they fit in? They kind of fit into the oral tradition part, but of course, being modern they don't quite fit into the entertainment prior to technology aspect. 

And what about how folktales connect with us as people? Folktales are cool because they can still resonate with us. They still have a sense of mystery that I find alluring. They explore temptations that we all encounter at some point or another, they examine the worth of a kind or pure heart in a way that is clear and rewarding. The culture that sprouts the story becomes vibrant and alive once more, full of colour and drama that can't be explained by such a simple definition and I get transported to that time and place...pure wonder and magic, that's what it is...

What is your favorite Folktale?  

The Seal Wife

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